How to use OR in PHP if statement

If we want the If statement to execute when at least one of the given conditions is met, we can use OR, which in the case of conditional statements in PHP is expressed by the symbol ||.


if($animal == 'dog' || $vehicle == 'car') {
    // do something if animal == dog OR if vehicle == car



Print the content if the user has a Moderator or Admin rank.


$userRank = 'admin';

if($userRank == 'admin' || $userRank == 'moderator') {
    echo 'Secret content';
} else {
    echo 'Access denied';


Output: Secret content

Example 2:

Make a match if two users made at least one, the exact same choice.


$userX = [
    'favColor' => 'blue',
    'favNumber' => 14,
    'favSport' => 'football',

$userY = [
    'favColor' => 'green',
    'favNumber' => 2,
    'favSport' => 'football',

if( ($userX['favColor'] ==  $userY['favColor']) || ($userX['favNumber'] ==  $userY['favNumber']) || ($userX['favSport'] ==  $userY['favSport'])) {
    echo "It's a match!";


Output: It’s a match!