How to combine strings together in PHP

To combine strings together, use the concatenation.

In PHP, you can do this with . (dot).

Example 1:


$var = 'Hello';
$result = $var . ' World!';

echo $result;


Output: Hello World!

Example 2:


$start = 'My name is';
$name = 'Steve';

$result = $start . ' ' . $name;

echo $result;


Output: My name is Steve.

Example 3:


$array = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];

$result = 'My favorite color is ' . $array[2] . ', but I like ' . $array[0] . ' as well.';

echo $result;


Output: My favorite color is blue, but I like red as well.

Alternatively, you can also extend the string saved in the specific variable with .=.



$hello = 'Hello';
$hello .= ', Michael';

echo $hello;


Output: Hello, Michael